Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Whooo I am 17 now! Its crazy. Time has really gone by so fast! So here is what I did for my birthday:

I woke up, took a shower, and got ready. And then I ate breakfast and opened presents. I got really cute brown boots and money! :) Then I finished getting ready and I went shopping at target and then at the mall with Aly Carter. I got lots of cute stuff at the mall. I am really excited. But then we took Aly home and I went to Ashley Oross's house and met up with Spencer, Angie, Amelia, Taylor, and Mackena and we all went to Seaport Village to walk around. We went to the Sailor Me statue and we took lots of pictures. After we left, we decided to go to Urban Outfitters to look around because we all love that store. But I forced myself not to buy anything. It is so expensive. But then as we were walking out of the store there was a bum on the corner that looked up and was like, "Oh my gosh!! Barbie dolls!!" It was so funny. But then we went back to Ashley's house and I went home and had dinner and my family sang to me. It was a really fun day! :)


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas! This time of year is really my favorite and it just makes me so happy! I love the music, the decorations, the lights, the parties, giving gifts, and of course celebrating the Saviors birth. At church this past Sunday, my laurel advisor had us read stories of the Savior out of the Bible and it was a really cool lesson. I loved having our Christmas lesson focused on the Savior because I know we all get kind of carried away and sometimes lose sight of what the real meaning of Christmas is. I know I do sometimes. But I just had the greatest feeling when we were having the lesson. It made it really feel like Christmas. My Laurel advisor also gave us a book that is called I Believe in Santa Clause. It is the cutest book. It talks about the similarities between Santa Clause and Jesus Christ. Jesus is Santa. He came(comes) in the night, he wore(wears) red, his beard is white, he brings(continues to bring) us gifts, he loves children. See what I mean? It is amazing :)

One of my family's traditions during this time is to put together gift bags and deliver them to the homeless. We get big Christmas bags and fill them with a blanket, fruit, candy, cookies, toiletries, bread, and water. Then we drive down as a family and look for homeless people to hand them out too. Usually I feel really bad but also good of course doing this because downtown there are a lot of them and they are all together most of the time and so some of them don't get bags. We only put together 6 of them. But this year was amazing. We went down and the first man we came across was putting together his bed for the night. My dad got out and set the bag down by his blankets and the man just looked at him. He was completely shocked that someone would do that for him. He was really confused too. He looked through the bag to see what was inside and was like "wow!.... thank you..." he really didn't even know what to say. He was just a normal man, but had maybe lost his job or something. It was just so sad but made me feel so good to have helped him this Christmas. So we went and gave another man one but he was just waking up when we were leaving so we left him a little surprise:) I love doing that. Anyways, then we drove around some more and come to this one area and there were about 4 on one side so we decided to stop there. My dad got out to give the first man the bag and he was just so happy and excited. He was saying, "JOY TO THE WORLD! GOD BLESS YOU!" and yes i capitalized that because he was pretty much singing it. He was also like "This is the best man in the world right her!" He just kept going on and on. The others were very grateful as well. It made me so extremely grateful for all that I have and that I can be with my family for Christmas. It made me not care about the presents at all because I just cared that people like this were being given what they needed. Some kids won't be getting presents this year. And that just humbles me and I am so thankful for all that I have been truly blessed with.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Write a letter to a loved one...

Okay I apologize for not updating for so long! I apologize mostly to Aly who has been freaking out. So the next one on the challenge is write a letter to a loved one. So I have decided to write a letter to my mom because I know she will read it and comment because she reads and comments on EVERYTHING.
Dear Mom,
I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you. You have done so much for me and I honestly do not know how you have put up with me for pretty much 17 years. You are wonder woman. I don't even know how you raised 6 kids! You are kinda crazy for that :) But you are an amazing person. I am so grateful that you are my mom. You are so kind and sweet and caring and willing to help and always there for me. Life is crazy for you and so busy but you still find time to come and try to talk to me or ask me how my day was or things like that. And I know I really have not been the easiest teenager but I really do love you and I am so thankful for all that you do :) You mean so much to me.
Thank you so much again for all that you do and when I am being a pain in the butt just remember that I do love you even when I am being a stupid teenager.
Love you
Love, Becca :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who got me into this challenge!

I am mixing up the order of the blog list. I need to think about who I am going to write my letter to so I am going to skip that one as well :) haha

So Caitlin got me into this challenge. I was reading her blog and I saw this on there and she got it from our friend Rachel. I thought it was such a great and fun idea! And I wasn't blogging for a while because I didn't know what I wanted to blog about. I had a lot of ideas but there was just too much going on in my life to blog about them all! So I thought this would be a good idea and my blog would be more structured and organized instead of me just rambling about my life! haha

So there ya have it! That is what got me into this challenge :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

So this isn't one of the 30 day challenge blogging ideas, but I really want to mention a couple of things that I am thankful for. And only a couple because I am grateful for too many things to list on here!

1. My health. I am so grateful to be healthy and be able to move and just have fun!
2. My house. Living in Carmel Valley, where everyone has everything, I am really grateful for my house. No it isn't a big flashy house, but it is homey and comfortable. There are some people with boxes as their house and I am so grateful that I even have one even if it is not high class and gorgeous. It is to me!
3. My bed. I love my bed. I love sleeping and it is so comforting to know that I have a nice warm bed to crawl into after a really long day!
4. Food. Food is so great. And after working at a grocery store, it makes you very humble and thankful to have all that food ready and available when you need it! We are so fortunate to have the money to even buy food.
5. My dad's job. I am really grateful that my dad has a job and that he works hard to provide for me and my family.
6. My job. Even though my job is not the best, I am grateful that I am learning to be responsible and to provide for myself.
7. Little children. I am really thankful for little kids because they are so strong and so innocent and they have honestly taught me some great lessons!
8. Education. There has been a lot of things happening with the economy and with people losing their jobs. I am really grateful that I have the opportunity to get an education to one day have a job in anything if I need to provide for myself or for my family. We are commanded to get the best education we can and I am doing that now and I am going to keep doing it at college.
9. Shoes and Socks. I am so thankful for socks and that they keep my feet warm when my parents refuse to turn on our heater and my feet are freezing. And shoes are wonderful.
10. The gospel. I could go on and on about how thankful I am for the gospel and how it has affected my life. But I think that would bore you all because I have already mentioned it many times. I just love the gospel and that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father sacrificed so much for me.
11. Holidays. I am grateful for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. And all the others that make us reflect on our lives and think about others and how truly blessed we are.
12. Family. I have an amazing family. Immediate and extended. I know that I was put into my family for a reason and I love my family so much! They are so fun! And it is NEVER boring at my house!!
13. Friends. Once again I could go on and on but I have already said on here how grateful I am for friends. I have the most amazing friends in my life. I really have been blessed!!
14. Technology. I am really grateful for technology because without it we wouldn't be able to do a lot of things. I am especially grateful for medical technology and that it can save lives!

Those are just a couple things that I am thankful for, however there are many many more!!! :) I hope everyone had an amazing and super fun Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well I was going to do the one where I was supposed to post a picture of me when I was still little but I cant figure out how to work my scanner so I will do that one another time. So now I am going to write about the next one which is the differences between me and my best friend, which would be Caitlin Lang.
So our differences are:
1. She is very neat and organized. I am too when I want to be, but that is definitely not very often.
2. She has long blonde hair, and I have short brown hair
3. She is short and I am a little taller :)
4. We don't like the same boys which is a blessing. It really is.
5. She lives in Poway, I live in Carmel Valley
6. She doesn't like cake, I really like cake! But there are some cakes that I don't like!
7. We have a little bit of different styles.
8. There are only 4 kids in her family, and there are 6 in mine.
And that is all that I can think of right now. I am sure there are more, but her and I are very alike in so many ways as well:)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Perfect Date

So this would be my perfect date:
So first we would wake up and go for a walk on the beach and then go to breakfast. Then we would go for a hike in Torrey Pines. Then we would go to our houses and get ready and he would either come to my house or I would go to his house and we would make a picnic lunch and have a picnic at a really pretty park. Then we would get together with other people we knew and do a group date kinda thing and have a paint war or do something fun and crazy like that. Then we would go get ready again if we needed to and then go to a really fun dinner and go roller skating or to a movie and then we would go for a walk and he would take me home. That would be so much fun :) I honestly think though that any date would be so fun if it was with the right person and we were just together having a good time!


If I was stranded on an Island, I think I would want to be with the smartest person in the world or Bill Gates so he could just have an airplane come and  pick us up. Ha! Just kidding. That is so boring. Okay so if I was stranded on an Island I would want to be with either Rachel my sister, Rachel Potter, Caitlin Lang, my mom, or if I was married, my husband. The 10 items that we would have would probably be:
1. A Book of Mormon
2. Food or ways to get food
3. Water
4. Clothes
5. Shoes
6. Shampoo
7. A tent
8. Paper
9. Pens
10. Endless supplies of chocolate. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A picture that makes me happy!

So I really love taking pictures so a lot of pictures make me happy so I will show you a few.

Okay this is the first one. It is of Rachel and I when we were little. This brings back so many memories!! I remember going to all of our family reunions and especially Rachel and I doing everything to you. This picture is just so precious and I love it so much! :)

I love this. It makes me laugh every time I see it. We are all best friends. In case you didn't know. But Ashley is cut off on the right!! But this was when Rachel Potter came into town and her, Caitlin, and Ashley came to my house. We went to a park by my house and took pictures. It was so fun and I have lots of memories from that night. But I love all these girls and they make me happy. We were all meant to be friends. There is no doubt in my mind about that.

We are best friends. This is just so great! I remember this day and this week! It definitely was not the best EFY I went to... But it was a great growing week for my testimony. I learned a lot. And I met some awesome people! Especially Tara Thornock who was an amazing counselor!! But this picture describes our friendship perfectly. We can be so crazy and just be ourselves around each other. Rooming with her is always so much fun! :)

So this is when Rachel Potter came down recently. They came over to my house again and we made Mataroni and Cheese. Which is the best late night snack. It was so fun and this picture just reminds me of all the great times we have all had together and how much fun we have! And I love them both and I love when Rachel comes to visit!

Alright this is the last one!! This is of Tara Hansen and I. We are cousins and best friends! We have been friends since birth! There are so many pictures of us as babies together. I can tell her anything and we can just be weird together! This is from when her and her family came to San Diego for Thanksgiving! It was so fun and I think that is when I got my rock hard abs from.. because we laughed A LOT! haha just kidding:) But we really did laugh a lot.

I think that the invention of the camera was just genius. Pictures last forever and they bring back so many memories. They catch those perfect and most memorable ones. I just love going through old picture albums or picture buckets that we have. I end up smiling and remembering my life. Its wonderful! So take lots of pictures!! Capture those Kodak Moments!! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Someone I would switch lives with for a day...

Since it has been a while since I have blogged, I am going to do 2 posts today! Alright so the next topic on my 30 Day Challenge is someone I would switch lives with for a day and why. I think right now I would want to switch lives with Taylor Swift. Not just because I am obsessed with her, but because she is a real person to me. She lives a real life and doesn't let her fame get in the way. She lives in an apartment in Tennessee. She is so vintage and cute. I would love to see what a typical day for her is. The people she gets to see, the places she goes, the songs she writes. I think she is a lyric genius and I just can not even comprehend all the songs she has written and the specific significance to them. I wish I could write poems or songs about my life. But I am just not good at that kind of thing! But that was if I really had to. I love my life. I love where I am in life and what I am doing with my life. I wouldn't actually want to be anyone else except for me. I have an amazing life and I have really been blessed with so much!

Lastest Movie

The last movie that I watched was Toy Story 3 at Caitlin's house. This movie is amazing. I saw if for the first time this summer with my family while we were in Park City, Utah. I cried the first time I saw it. It is actually really scary! hahaha but it is really cute and funny too :) I also think it is just so clever and genius. When we were watching it, we were talking about how they incorporated parts from the previous Toy Story movies into this last one. Like the garbage man is Sid. And when Lotso, the baby, and Chuckles are riding on the back of a car, it is the pizza planet car. But I love the happy ending to it. It is a good movie and I could watch it many times without getting sick of it. So if anyone hasn't seen it yet, you need to go rent it or buy it, watch it, and fall in love with it!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Top 10 Pet Peeves

So I kind of get annoyed really easily.. well not really.. but kind of. But I definitely have many pet peeves and here are my top 10!

1. Slow walkers
2. Slow drivers( and bad drivers in general!)
3. When people look over my shoulder at what I am doing
4. Cheaters! Ugh they drive my crazy! Its like just do your own work.
5. When people take things that are mine without asking
6. When there are people in front, behind, or around me that bounce their legs on the ground or on their desk and it shakes me! There is a girl in my english class that does that and I am just sitting there reading my book and I start bouncing! It drives me crazy!
7. When girls act dumb!
8. When people say sexual jokes and comments.
9. When kids bump into me in the hallway or they see me walking and I try to move out of the way but they just run into me.
10. When I forget to do something or make a stupid mistake on a test.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Favorite Song

 Music is my life. I am so moved by beautiful music and songs that have great significant lyrics in my life. I will be listening to a song sometimes and all of a sudden I just feel like that song was written for me! I am sure everyone has felt that way. But I feel that a lot. I am always listening to music too. When I get ready in the morning, when I am in the car, when I am doing homework, when I am excersizing, when I am walking, when I am at school, pretty much everywhere. It really is a big part of my life.
So it was really hard for me to just pick 1 song, so I picked 2 that were the first ones to pop into my head and ones that have a significant to me.

 I Am His Daughter:
 The photos in the magazines, dont dictate who I'm supossed to be
The world cant recognize all that I am inside but I know in his eyes, I am a part of the bigger picture
There's so much more to me, he helps me see that I have so much to offer, I am his daughter
He loves me the way I am, he's my strength when I stand
He is my king and my father, I am his daughter

The people on the TV screen, the leaders, rulers and queens
I watch them shape the world, and though I am just a girl I still know for sure that I am a part of the bigger picture
There's so much more to me, he helps me see that I have so much to offer, I am his daughter
He loves me the way I am, hes my strength when I stand
He is my king and my father, I am his daughter

Ad when i am feeling small, and wondering if I'll ever find courage to stand tall
Through his love I remember
Theres so much more to me
He helps me so that I have so much to offer, I am his daughter
He loves me the way I am, hes my strength when I stand
He is my kind and my father, I am his daughter

~This song is from the EFY 2010 CD. The first time I heard it was when one of the counselors sang it at a devotional or something. It is an amazing song and has such a  beautiful meaning. It touches me everytime I listen to it. And it really helps me to remember that Heavenly Father is always there and he knows all of us personally and he loves us. I think more then we will ever be able to understand. We are his children. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life.

Never Grow Up:
Your little hands wrapped around my finger and it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter cause your dreamin', so I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
To you, everything is funny, you got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have hunny if you could stay like that

Oh darlin don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, just stay this little
Oh darlin dont you ever grow up, dont you ever grow up, it could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart
And no one will desert you, just try to never grow up
Never grow up

You're in the car on the way to the movies, and your mortified your mama's droppin you off
At fourteen there's just so much you can't do, and you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots.
But don't make her drop you off around the block, remember that she's gettin older too
And don't lose the way that you danced around in your pjs gettin ready for school

Oh darlin don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, just stay this little
Oh darlin don't you ever grow up, dont you ever grow up, it could stay this simple
And no ones ever burned you, nothins ever left you scarred
And even though you want to, just try to never grow up

Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room, memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home
Remember the footsteps, remember the words said in all your little brothers favorite songs
I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone
So here I am in my new apartment in a big city, they just dropped me off.
Its so much colder than I thought it would be so I tuck myself in, and turn my night light off.

Wish I'd never grown up. I wish I'd never grown up
Oh I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up, could still be little
Oh I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up, it could still be simple
Oh darlin don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, just stay this little
Oh darlin don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up, could stay this simple
Won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart
And even though you want to, please try to never grow up

Don't you ever grow up, Just never grow up.

~This is one of Taylor Swift's new songs. It is such a cute song. Everytime I listen to it, it makes me think about when I was little. It makes me look back on the time when there were no worries, no stress about school or life in general. I just had fun and I lived my life to the fullest. I remember just being crazy and happy all the time. I wish I could go back to being little. Those were the best times of my life. But I can't and I really think that we can all learn from children. We can look at how they live life and follow their example. Kids are so innocent and just have no worries because they haven't been exposed to the real world yet. Even though there is so much pressure and stress in our lives, we can still follow their example and live life to its fullest and be the person that we want to be. We are only on earth for a short time, so let's make the most of it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Best Friends: What would life be like without them?

I have a couple best friends. They have all helped me in my life so much and have been great influences and I am so grateful for every single one of them! So here they are:

1. Macey Bleazard: This girl is so cute! I have known her since I was a baby. We are about a month and a half apart and she has been my best friend since I was born because our parents were friends before. I remember having so many play-dates with her! We would go to Mcdonald's every week and would play on the playground for hours! We went to the same school from preschool until I think it was second grade. I was so sad when she moved to a different school because I didn't know what I would do without her! But we still saw each other a lot! Then I moved to California and she would still call me on my birthday and I would call her on hers and we would talk whenever we could. I have gone back and seen her but only once. I wish I could see her more. But she is just such a fun girl! We could sit and talk about anything and everything and when I visited her we told each other EVERYTHING about our lives! I miss her and love her!!

2. Sarah Jenson: I have known Sarah since she moved to California which I think was a year after I moved here. She moved into my ward and we instantly became friends! When we were in elementary school and middle school, we were so opposite each other. We had different opinions and different views, but that is why we liked to hang out so much! She has a great personality and is just the sweetest girl! I remember going to her house all the time and just watching a movie or talking. I know I can be myself around her and I can tell her anything. She might not have that much to say, but I love that about her because she can just sit there and listen to me! She is an amazing listener and just an amazing person! She has really made me want to become a better person and just enjoy life! I love her for that and all she has done for me!

3. Aly Carter: Oh my goodness this girl is hilarious! She just moved in last February.. I think:) When I was driving home from Nevada one Sunday, Sarah Jenson texted me and told me that a new girl named Aly had just moved in and was in her ward and that she was going to be at Torrey Pines. I was so excited to meet her because I don't have alot of mormon friends at school. So she came to youth choir practice that night and I just thought she was so cute! And she is. We have become really good friends. We have alot in common and can just hang out and laugh at random weird things. She is a fun girl and I always have a good time when I am with her. And I remember that I was going through a hard time a little while after she had moved in and we had hung out a couple times and I would just start telling her everything that was going on at the time in seminary. And she was very supportive and there for me. I am so glad that she moved here and I love her!

4. Rachel Potter: So I met Rachel at EFY in 2008. She was in my group and I started talking to her because of Caitlin. We actually weren't that great of friends during EFY. I mean we were friends but not instant best friends! But as the week went on we became better friends and then on the last night, she came into our apartment and stayed with us for a while and we just sat and talked because we were so sad it was the last night! And we hung out with our counselor and we really bonded. After that week Rachel and I would talk on facebook and on the phone and we became such good friends! We tell each other everything. I know that I can tell her anything and she will always be there for me no matter what. I called her once on her birthday and we just talked about life for like 2 hours :) It was so fun! I am grateful that she only lives a couple hours away but I really wish she lived closer! I love when she comes and visits and her, Caitlin, and I hang out! She has really been a great influence on my life and has strengthened my testimony in so many ways. I love her to death!

5. Caitlin Lang: Oh my where do I even start? Well we also met at EFY 2008. She was in my apartment. Sorry backing up. So earlier that day, my cousin Tara and I went to the airport to get on a plane to go to Provo for EFY and we get there and find out there was a 4 hour wait. And of course my mom could not stay that long so she had to live and I was so scared because I had never gone in an airplane without my parents, I actually had never been away from home except for girls camp. And like an hour after my mom left I was already homesick. So i just wanted to go home and I was thinking there was no point of even going if we were going to be so late! So I was not having a good day, but then we walk into the apartment and there were 4 girls I didn't know and I was nervous. But then Caitlin and Lydia her roommate were the first ones to come and introduce themselves. And then she even hugged us goodnight! It made me so happy! I was just like I love this girl! So that week we just hung out all the time and became best friends instantly! She has been the greatest influence in my life. I have learned so much from her and her example. And I can be totally and completely myself around her. I can say the stupidest and weirdest (or even grossest) thing and she will laugh or say something funny :) We really have so much fun with each other. We have stayed up late many times talking about EVERYTHING!! She knows everything about me. And I know I can always go to her for anything. She is so sweet and has been there for me through the ups and downs. Especially the downs. I don't know what I would do without her. I love her so much!!!

6. Tara Hansen: Tara is my cousin. She is the only cousin I have that is exactly my age. We have been best friends since before we were even born. Our moms are best friends too. I love visiting her because we do crazy fun things and we laugh. A lot! We have stayed up talking to each other and have been totally talking about something but then have fallen asleep. She has taken me all over her little town Mesquite and introduced me to all her friends. She is so so so cute and sweet and I love seeing her! I also can go to her about anything and she will be there for me. I just have way too many good memories with this girl. She knows I am crazy and weird but she still hangs out with me and loves me! I love her like a sister! We practically are sisters :)

7. Rachel Dorian: Well this girl has known me since I was born. I really have too many memories to mention on here but I just remember us being best friends when we were little. We matched and shared a room (we shared a room even until she moved out), and did just about everything together! No joke! We always had so much fun and even though I was a little brat when I was younger, she still loved me and played with me. She was always there for me when I was sad. And then we were both teenagers and we are only a year and a half apart and complete opposites. So we fought. A lot. But then 2 seconds later we would be laughing and telling each other stories. And even though we have very little in common and we do not agree on a lot of things, we still have fun together. We kind of complete each other. And now that she has gone to college, I really really miss her. I was devastated when she left and it is still really hard. We have never been apart. It is so different not coming home and seeing her in our room, or waiting for her to come home from work, or going to seminary with me, or anything. It is so hard and I miss her like crazy and I wish we were still little and 2 crazy little girls with pig tails and matching dresses. But it is good that she has left because it has really made me realize how much I do love her and look up to her. I am so proud of all that she has done and the life she is living right now. I really look up to her. I love her to death and I am so grateful we are sisters!!

30 days of Blogging :)

Okay I got this off of my friend Caitlin Lang's blog and I think it is a fun and great idea! I am so excited to do it :)

Day 1: Write about your best friend(s)
Day 2: Post your favorite song and write why you like it
Day 3: Your top 10 pet peeves
Day 4: What was the last movie you watched, write about it
Day 5: Someone you would switch lives with for a day and why
Day 6: A picture that makes you happy
Day 7: If you were stranded on an Island, who would be with you and which limited 10 items would you two have?
Day 8: Describe your perfect date
Day 9: A picture of you when you were still young. (ex. 2,3,4 etc.)
Day 10: Write the differences between you and your best friend(s)
Day 11: Write a letter to your loved one (ex. crush, boyfriend etc.)
Day 12: What got you into this challenge?
Day 13: A picture of what you wore today
Day 14: A silly picture of you/ you & your friends
Day 15: Create an outfit at http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/app and printscreen it!
Day 16: A picture of your cellphone/iPod/camera. ** Or altogether!
Day 17: List 15 facts about you
Day 18: Write a letter to your followers
Day 19: A video you would usually watch on Youtube
Day 20: What did you eat today? Picture if you want*
Day 21: What do you look for in a guy/girl?
Day 22: A picture of what you wore today
Day 23: Post up all the sites you use. (ex. your Twitter link, Facebook, Formspring etc.)
Day 24: When you look outside step outside your front door of the house, what do you see? picture if you like **
Day 25: Recommend a few Blogs and write why you recommended them.
Day 26: Your favorite quote
Day 27: Something that inspires you
Day 28: Write a letter to someone you’ve never talked to in a long time
Day 29: Things you’re looking forward to next week -month
Day 30: Someone that you owe an apology to

Monday, November 1, 2010

Taylor Swift

A week ago, the most amazing CD ever was released. And that CD would be Taylor Swift's new album Speak Now. I am in love with it. I honestly have not listened to anything else since I got the cd. All of her songs just make me so happy and they are so fun to listen to! But on Saturday, I bought a magazine that was all about Taylor Swift (it was really expensive but totally worth it) and it just tells you everything about her life. Her favorite things, her style, the boys she has dated (and the ones her songs are about), and just everything! And I just love her! I really look up to her. She is so famous and so loved by everyone but she does not let all of it go to her head like every other celebrity. She is so down to earth and so real. She is a real person. Her songs are real. I can relate to SO many of them! I think pretty much every girl can :) I just really respect how hard she has worked to get where she is now and she has inspired me to be a better person and to look at life and love in a different way. She has inspired me to actually write about my own life which I am going to start doing in a journal. Just writing poems and stories about good and bad things that have happened to me. I also love that her songs are clean, and cute. They are uplifting and put me in such good moods! I am going to her next concert no matter what. I will be there screaming every single one of her songs :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010


So I am actually really excited that Halloween is over because that means its getting closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday. I love the decorations, the smells, the feel, the music, the food. I just love everything about it. Especially the REAL meaning of it. Well anyways that will be here soon enough. But this Halloween has been really fun! Last night I went to my friend Ashley's house and carved pumpkins with Aly Carter and Marc Waddell. It was really fun. I carved the San Diego Temple in mine. Its so amature (i totally spelled that wrong) and it doesn't look that good. But I am proud of it. It was the first pumpkin I have carved and the first time I have ever stuck my hand inside a pumpkin! I have always been so scared for some weird reason. But I am over that now and it was so great!! But now I am ready for the real holidays to begin :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Post!

Well here I am! I have wanted to do a blog for a while but I haven't had time to! My mom and all her friends have blogs and they are so fun to read and look at so I decided to do one :) And I am still trying to figure out how to design it so be patient as it stays ugly for a short time :)