Thursday, November 11, 2010

A picture that makes me happy!

So I really love taking pictures so a lot of pictures make me happy so I will show you a few.

Okay this is the first one. It is of Rachel and I when we were little. This brings back so many memories!! I remember going to all of our family reunions and especially Rachel and I doing everything to you. This picture is just so precious and I love it so much! :)

I love this. It makes me laugh every time I see it. We are all best friends. In case you didn't know. But Ashley is cut off on the right!! But this was when Rachel Potter came into town and her, Caitlin, and Ashley came to my house. We went to a park by my house and took pictures. It was so fun and I have lots of memories from that night. But I love all these girls and they make me happy. We were all meant to be friends. There is no doubt in my mind about that.

We are best friends. This is just so great! I remember this day and this week! It definitely was not the best EFY I went to... But it was a great growing week for my testimony. I learned a lot. And I met some awesome people! Especially Tara Thornock who was an amazing counselor!! But this picture describes our friendship perfectly. We can be so crazy and just be ourselves around each other. Rooming with her is always so much fun! :)

So this is when Rachel Potter came down recently. They came over to my house again and we made Mataroni and Cheese. Which is the best late night snack. It was so fun and this picture just reminds me of all the great times we have all had together and how much fun we have! And I love them both and I love when Rachel comes to visit!

Alright this is the last one!! This is of Tara Hansen and I. We are cousins and best friends! We have been friends since birth! There are so many pictures of us as babies together. I can tell her anything and we can just be weird together! This is from when her and her family came to San Diego for Thanksgiving! It was so fun and I think that is when I got my rock hard abs from.. because we laughed A LOT! haha just kidding:) But we really did laugh a lot.

I think that the invention of the camera was just genius. Pictures last forever and they bring back so many memories. They catch those perfect and most memorable ones. I just love going through old picture albums or picture buckets that we have. I end up smiling and remembering my life. Its wonderful! So take lots of pictures!! Capture those Kodak Moments!! :)


Shari said...

I'm so happy you have some really great friends!

Caitlin Lang said...

I love all these pictures too!!!