Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Whooo I am 17 now! Its crazy. Time has really gone by so fast! So here is what I did for my birthday:

I woke up, took a shower, and got ready. And then I ate breakfast and opened presents. I got really cute brown boots and money! :) Then I finished getting ready and I went shopping at target and then at the mall with Aly Carter. I got lots of cute stuff at the mall. I am really excited. But then we took Aly home and I went to Ashley Oross's house and met up with Spencer, Angie, Amelia, Taylor, and Mackena and we all went to Seaport Village to walk around. We went to the Sailor Me statue and we took lots of pictures. After we left, we decided to go to Urban Outfitters to look around because we all love that store. But I forced myself not to buy anything. It is so expensive. But then as we were walking out of the store there was a bum on the corner that looked up and was like, "Oh my gosh!! Barbie dolls!!" It was so funny. But then we went back to Ashley's house and I went home and had dinner and my family sang to me. It was a really fun day! :)


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas! This time of year is really my favorite and it just makes me so happy! I love the music, the decorations, the lights, the parties, giving gifts, and of course celebrating the Saviors birth. At church this past Sunday, my laurel advisor had us read stories of the Savior out of the Bible and it was a really cool lesson. I loved having our Christmas lesson focused on the Savior because I know we all get kind of carried away and sometimes lose sight of what the real meaning of Christmas is. I know I do sometimes. But I just had the greatest feeling when we were having the lesson. It made it really feel like Christmas. My Laurel advisor also gave us a book that is called I Believe in Santa Clause. It is the cutest book. It talks about the similarities between Santa Clause and Jesus Christ. Jesus is Santa. He came(comes) in the night, he wore(wears) red, his beard is white, he brings(continues to bring) us gifts, he loves children. See what I mean? It is amazing :)

One of my family's traditions during this time is to put together gift bags and deliver them to the homeless. We get big Christmas bags and fill them with a blanket, fruit, candy, cookies, toiletries, bread, and water. Then we drive down as a family and look for homeless people to hand them out too. Usually I feel really bad but also good of course doing this because downtown there are a lot of them and they are all together most of the time and so some of them don't get bags. We only put together 6 of them. But this year was amazing. We went down and the first man we came across was putting together his bed for the night. My dad got out and set the bag down by his blankets and the man just looked at him. He was completely shocked that someone would do that for him. He was really confused too. He looked through the bag to see what was inside and was like "wow!.... thank you..." he really didn't even know what to say. He was just a normal man, but had maybe lost his job or something. It was just so sad but made me feel so good to have helped him this Christmas. So we went and gave another man one but he was just waking up when we were leaving so we left him a little surprise:) I love doing that. Anyways, then we drove around some more and come to this one area and there were about 4 on one side so we decided to stop there. My dad got out to give the first man the bag and he was just so happy and excited. He was saying, "JOY TO THE WORLD! GOD BLESS YOU!" and yes i capitalized that because he was pretty much singing it. He was also like "This is the best man in the world right her!" He just kept going on and on. The others were very grateful as well. It made me so extremely grateful for all that I have and that I can be with my family for Christmas. It made me not care about the presents at all because I just cared that people like this were being given what they needed. Some kids won't be getting presents this year. And that just humbles me and I am so thankful for all that I have been truly blessed with.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Write a letter to a loved one...

Okay I apologize for not updating for so long! I apologize mostly to Aly who has been freaking out. So the next one on the challenge is write a letter to a loved one. So I have decided to write a letter to my mom because I know she will read it and comment because she reads and comments on EVERYTHING.
Dear Mom,
I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you. You have done so much for me and I honestly do not know how you have put up with me for pretty much 17 years. You are wonder woman. I don't even know how you raised 6 kids! You are kinda crazy for that :) But you are an amazing person. I am so grateful that you are my mom. You are so kind and sweet and caring and willing to help and always there for me. Life is crazy for you and so busy but you still find time to come and try to talk to me or ask me how my day was or things like that. And I know I really have not been the easiest teenager but I really do love you and I am so thankful for all that you do :) You mean so much to me.
Thank you so much again for all that you do and when I am being a pain in the butt just remember that I do love you even when I am being a stupid teenager.
Love you
Love, Becca :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who got me into this challenge!

I am mixing up the order of the blog list. I need to think about who I am going to write my letter to so I am going to skip that one as well :) haha

So Caitlin got me into this challenge. I was reading her blog and I saw this on there and she got it from our friend Rachel. I thought it was such a great and fun idea! And I wasn't blogging for a while because I didn't know what I wanted to blog about. I had a lot of ideas but there was just too much going on in my life to blog about them all! So I thought this would be a good idea and my blog would be more structured and organized instead of me just rambling about my life! haha

So there ya have it! That is what got me into this challenge :)