Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 6 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

She is an inspiration. Do you ever see her in the magazines or on the internet for doing immoral things and just being stupid like every other celebrity? No you don't! She is one of the only celebrities that still has morals and standards and is an amazing person! She is so unique and different and I love that about her. Her songs are so relatable and are so uplifting. I love every single one of her songs and just the person she is and how much of an example she is. She is so strong to be famous and still be good.


Anonymous said...

oh i love taylor swift so much, she is an inspiration and she really doesn't do anything bad! I love her lyrics SO much and they always help me feel like someone else has gone through the same things :)

Shari said...

Exactly! I love her!

Becca Dorian said...

sorry that was me that commented i just didnt know my mom was signed in :)

Shari said...

I was thinking, well, I do like her but not sure I LOVE her! :)

I hope, hope, hope she stays good.